Monday, April 22, 2019

Food and Travel: Rummo Zita Tagliati Pasta:INGREDIENTS: Onion, ...

Food and Travel:

Rummo Zita Tagliati Pasta:

: Rummo Zita Tagliati Pasta: INGREDIENTS: Onion, garlic, bacon,  beef minced meat, tomatosauce, mozzarella, fresh oregano, rummo pasta, ...

Rummo Zita Tagliati Pasta:

INGREDIENTS: Onion, garlic, bacon,  beef minced meat, tomatosauce, mozzarella, fresh oregano, rummo pasta, salt and peppr.

Cook the pasta for 10 min.
Fry onion, garlic bacon and minced meat in a pan, add tomatosauce salt,pepper and oregano.
Mix all together with pasta and add the mozzarella  ( in the oven for 20 min 200 degrees)

Ready to serve.